General and specific signs of the presence of parasites in the human body.

Signs of parasites in the human body depend on the specific type of parasite and its waste products. One of the most common signs of parasites in the body is intestinal and gastric discomfort.

According to WHO statistics, about 95% of the total population of the Earth is infected with parasites, microorganisms that exist and feed on other organisms. Often, signs of the presence of parasites in the human body go unnoticed, since some of them have adapted very well and the signs can be confused with other diseases.

Types of parasites that usually infect the human body.

The human body is usually inhabited by:

  • intestinal worms;
  • pinworms;
  • hookworms;
  • Giardia;
  • whipworms;
  • bovine tapeworm;
  • wide ribbon;
  • pork tapeworm;
  • echinococcus;
  • trichinella.

Helminths are the general name for worms that exist in a living organism. In short, worms. They are classified into the following types: tapeworms (cystodes), flukes (trematodes) and intestinal worms (nematodes). The most common type of helminths are nematodes.

They have a round shape and live mainly in the intestines and its different parts. Some of its representatives, for example, Trichinella, can migrate throughout the body. The intestine is the main place of life for intestinal worms. Representatives of tape pests are bovine and porcine tapeworms, tapeworms and echinococci. The size of the parasites in question can reach several meters in length. Some of them begin to develop outside the human body.

Biohelminths go through a stage of maturation and development in animal organisms. These are, for example, toxocara, bovine and porcine tapeworms, etc. Soil is the habitat of geohelminths Geohelminths develop in the soil. And they enter humans through the skin or by ingestion. These include many types of intestinal worms. Contact parasites enter a person through direct contact with another person. Enterobiasis is one of the diseases transmitted by contact parasites, pinworms.

parasites in the human body

How does infection occur?

You can become infected with parasite larvae by eating unprocessed foods (fish, cape), poorly washed raw vegetables and fruits, insect bites, sexual intercourse, household methods, drinking raw water and swallowing water, while swimming in reservoirs, from pets. , through the ground.

General signs of the presence of helminths.

Very often it is quite difficult to recognize the presence of the pests in question in a person's body. And many symptoms can be confused with a chronic illness and treated without success. Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the type of worms, their location and quantity. But there are general signs of the presence of parasites in the human body.


As a result of metabolic processes, worms secrete toxic elements that penetrate the blood system and contribute to the appearance of allergic manifestations. The rash may come and go periodically. This allergy is difficult to treat with dermatological agents.

Allergies can manifest themselves:

  • tearing, eyelid pain and conjunctivitis
  • chronic runny nose
  • difficulty breathing, cough
  • skin rash, peeling and redness, burning
  • rosacea, eczema
  • blockages in the corners and inflammation of the edge of the mouth
  • leukocytosis is an increase in white blood cells in the blood
  • scabies in the anal area (pinworms) and on the body
  • problematic skin and acne
  • asthma and dry cough (hookworms)
  • loss of hair

Stomach and intestinal upset syndrome.

Many parasites inhabit the large and small intestine of an individual. They adhere to the walls, irritate them and contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the organs. The absorption function of nutrients, especially fatty substances, is altered.

Using laboratory methods, a large amount of fatty elements can be detected in feces.

stagnation of bile

Due to their enormous size, some parasites can block the bile ducts and cause biliary dyskinesia. These signs can lead to other, more serious liver diseases. Parasites can block the bile ducts, which can negatively affect the liver.


Worms can block the intestinal lumen. Often, signs of the presence of parasites in the human body are manifested by symptoms such as constipation and can even cause intestinal obstruction. Diarrhea Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms of helminth infestation. Prostaglandins, which are produced by parasites, cause frequent watery stools.


Due to intestinal dysfunction, symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and excessive gas formation occur, which can be confused with dysbacteriosis. But in this case, treatment with antibiotics and probiotics does not give positive results. Decreased immunity Parasites feed on what humans eat. They absorb most of the digested nutrients.

Weak immunity can be a consequence of parasite activity in the body.

Due to the constant response of the immune system to the presence of "strangers", the body's defenses are reduced and the immune system is weakened. This is manifested by frequent colds, unreasonable increases in temperature, body aches, etc.

Pain in joints and muscles.

Worms can affect different organs. Trichinella, for example, settles in muscle tissue and can damage it. This is the body's response to the vital activity of parasites.

Change in body weight

One of the signs of helminthiasis is weight loss or obesity. Weight loss occurs due to the inability to obtain nutrients from the food consumed. And weight gain, as a result of the body's reaction, is the need to "stock up on food for future use. "Therefore, before making the decision to gain or lose weight, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination for the presence of parasites in the human body.


Some parasites, such as Trichomonas, can infect various human organs, including the blood. By feeding on your cells, helminthiasis causes anemia and iron deficiency. Vitamin Deficiency A person experiences a lack of nutrients and vitamins, which causes a vitamin deficiency. This is a consequence of the gluttony of parasites.

Nervousness, sleep disturbance.

Insomnia, lack of sleep, may be a response of the nervous system to the presence of "illegal" residents. Some helminths come out at night through the anus to deposit larvae. This can cause discomfort and itching, causing you to wake up frequently and not allowing you to fully rest.

"Chronic fatigue syndrome"

Against the background of general intoxication of the body, lack of vitamins and nutrients absorbed by parasites, an individual may feel constant fatigue, decreased concentration, apathy and memory loss.


The presence of parasites does not have the best effect on the human body as a whole. The normal functioning of all organs is disturbed, inflammation occurs, health worsens and immunity decreases. Disruption of the normal functioning of the body due to the influence of parasites can have dire consequences.

It is important to know that all these signs, with prolonged action, can provoke the formation of tumors and neoplasms.

Inflammation of the larynx and airways.

Worms can travel throughout the body. Once they reach the respiratory tract, they cause severe cough, sore throat, and fever. As a result of their vital activity, even asthma or pneumonia may develop.

You should not ignore any symptoms that indicate a malfunction in the body. At the first manifestation of signs of any of the diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo procedures to detect parasites. This will allow you to receive timely treatment and prevent the destructive effects of toxins from harming your body. The prolonged presence of worms in the human body can provoke the development of serious diseases, including cancer or chronic forms of existing diseases.

Specific symptoms of parasite infestation.

In addition to the general ones, there are a number of special signs of the presence of parasites in the human body, which are characteristic of women and men separately.

For women it is:

  • disruption of the regular menstrual cycle;
  • vaginal dysbiosis, mycosis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries, kidneys, bladder;
  • uterine fibroid;
  • sterility.

For men, the disease in question manifests itself:

  • sexual dysfunction;
  • the presence of sand or stones in the kidneys or bladder;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • mental disorders.

Differences in symptoms between children and adults.

When the parasite larvae enter, they encounter a 3-level protective barrier:

  • saliva;
  • gastric juice;
  • local intestinal immunity.

On the still fragile body of a child, such protection may not work. And children are the most susceptible to the disease in question. In summer, when children are constantly outdoors, the risk of becoming infected with helminths is very high. Anything can be left in the sand if its cleanliness is not monitored. There are more than enough ways of contagion for children: the children's sandbox, pets, fruits and vegetables that are not always washed, bathing in ponds. Furthermore, especially among the little ones, there is a desire to try everything.

The habit of thumb sucking only increases the likelihood of contracting a helminthic infestation. The most common types of parasites in children include: pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, and toxocara. Pinworms are small white worms, no more than 1 cm in size, that come out and lay their eggs near the anus. Therefore, the presence of this type of parasites is always accompanied by itching around the anus. Roundworms are larger, their length can reach 40 cm!

Please note that the phenomenon of "bruxism" (teeth grinding) is considered one of the signs of the presence of parasites in the human body and often disturbs the sleep of children. Parents should pay attention to this fact and have their children tested for the presence of parasites. Most often, worms live in the intestines, so children may experience problems with stool, flatulence, vomiting, and epigastric pain.

Diagnosis of parasites.

The main problem in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases is that they disguise themselves as many chronic diseases and it is very difficult to recognize the true causes of the symptoms.

parasite diagnosis

How to determine the presence of parasites.

When one or another organ or tissue is damaged, distinctive features dominate.

in the intestines

The most favorable place for parasites to live: high humidity, warm temperature, environment with neutral pH. Symptoms of intestinal damage:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • spasmodic pain, cramps in the abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • vomit;
  • nervousness;
  • Lack (or increase) of appetite.

A person feels overwhelmed by helplessness, fatigue and unwillingness to move.

in the stomach

With a parasitic infestation, the following signs are observed:

  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • salivation;
  • heaviness and distension of the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • itching in the anal area due to pinworms;
  • cough due to irritation of gastric neuroreceptors.

In intestinal acne, sputum can be separated from blood fractions.

in the liver


  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • allergic hives;
  • yellowing of the sclera, oral mucosa and skin;
  • loss of hair follicles;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • anemia.

There is pronounced swelling of the legs and abdomen.

in the blood

Distinctive symptoms:

  • fever;
  • lymph node thickening, enlargement, pain;
  • rash on the body;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • thirst;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • dyspnoea;
  • Circulatory disorders, expressed in numbness and coldness of the extremities.

Anemia inevitably develops, as many parasites destroy red blood cells.

In case of heart damage

There are always signs of lung and heart failure.

  • cough;
  • dyspnoea;
  • nervousness, fear;
  • weakness;
  • chest pain;
  • arrhythmia, bradycardia;
  • temperature, fever alternating with chills;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • perspiration;
  • paleness of the face, neck;
  • anemia.

Signs of hypoxia are observed: cyanosis of the skin of the fingertips, triangle of the nasolabial and mucous membranes of the mouth.

in the lungs

Characteristic symptoms:

  • dyspnoea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • attacks of dry cough at night;
  • asthmatic bronchospasms;
  • allergic rhinitis, sneezing;
  • chest pain;
  • rapid pulse;
  • nausea.

It is possible to separate thin, foamy sputum with blood cells.

under the skin

External symptoms:

  • small red itchy rash, large swollen blisters on the skin;
  • ulcerations, abscesses, warts, eczema;
  • fever;
  • night sweats;
  • dense, mobile tumor-like areas under the skin;
  • anemia.

Allergic cough and runny nose often develop.

in the eyes

Distinctive symptoms:

  • inflammation of the conjunctiva, accompanied by burning and itching;
  • pain in the eyes and pain when looking to the side, up;
  • flying flies, cloudy threads before the eyes;
  • dry mucous eyes;
  • blurred vision of objects, double vision;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • blue under the eyes.

There is a significant deterioration in visual acuity.

Parasitosis disguises itself as thousands of diseases, making it impossible to determine it visually without laboratory tests. The healing period depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the identification of the parasites in the early stages of infection.

in the blood

Parasites that live in the blood can live in red blood cells, plasma, and white blood cells. Types of pests:

  • Mansonella is a worm that can grow up to 8 centimeters. It causes dizziness, headaches and joint pain, fever, skin problems, and numbness in the legs.
  • Haemosporidia are single-celled organisms that live in red blood cells.
  • Trypanosomes are single-celled organisms that cause Chagas disease and sleeping sickness.
  • Malaria plasmodium.

Symptoms of diseases caused by parasites.

Very often the disease is named after the parasite that causes it.


The causative agent of the disease is the intestinal worm, which is located in the human intestine. The degree of the disease depends on the age of the patient, the severity and duration of the parasitic infestation.

ascariasis symptoms

The symptoms of ascariasis appear as follows:

  • an allergic rash that is located on the patient's feet, hands and body;
  • increased temperature, fever;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • sweating at night and day;
  • enlarged liver and pain in the hypochondrium;
  • lack of appetite and nausea; pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • constipation and diarrhea; weight loss or gain;
  • During the migration of nematodes and their location in the lungs, cough, difficulty breathing and chest pain occur;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased cognitive abilities;
  • convulsions;
  • obstructive jaundice and intestinal obstruction.

Hookworm disease

The causative agents of the diseases are helminths, hookworms and necators. Symptoms of the disease:

  • urticaria and dermatitis, when the larvae penetrate the skin, swelling forms at the site of penetration, causing burning and itching;
  • Bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis are observed during the migration of parasites throughout the human body, in this case the patient suffers from cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness;
  • When the larvae reach the intestines, anemia, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and loss of appetite develop;
  • irritability, fatigue, insomnia.


The disease is caused by a broad tapeworm. Symptoms of the disease:

  • weight loss;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • mild fever;
  • increased fatigue and fatigue;
  • the presence of worms in the feces in the form of white ribbons;
  • cramps and abdominal pain;
  • anemia;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • cracks and red spots on the tongue;
  • pathological processes in the mouth and esophagus;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • depression.


The causative agent of the disease is the pork tapeworm, which is located in the small intestine. Symptoms of the disease:

  • nausea and vomiting may be observed in the vomit;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • weight and appetite loss;
  • cramps and abdominal pain;
  • anal itching;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • insomnia and excitability;
  • when the larvae are located in the brain, cysticercosis develops, which is manifested by speech disorders, epilepsy, delirium, hallucinations, loss of consciousness;
  • When the parasite migrates, it can penetrate the eyes, heart and lungs.


The causative agent of the disease is the Echinococcus tapeworm. The worm is dangerous because it is capable of forming cysts in almost any internal organ: heart, liver, brain, lungs, etc. The disease is very insidious, since at first it is completely asymptomatic and clinical manifestations are observed already in the later stages of the formation of a hydatid cyst.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the appearance of pain at the site of cyst formation;
  • weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness;
  • skin allergies in the form of hives and itching;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the affected organ: if the liver is affected, appetite worsens, nausea and vomiting appear, if the lungs are affected, there is a cough, shortness of breath, fever, if the brain is affected, then epilepsy; paresis of the arms and legs occurs, with the formation of a cyst in the heart, the development of serious cardiac pathologies is possible;
  • When a cyst ruptures, the parasites spread with tremendous speed to all internal organs and systems, which can cause very serious complications and even death of the patient.


The causative agent of the disease is alveococcus tapeworm. This disease is considered indolent: 10 or more years may pass from the time of infection to the development of the disease. Symptoms of the disease: dermatological manifestations:

  • itchy skin and hives;
  • bitterness in the mouth, nausea;
  • pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • hepatic coli;
  • compaction is observed in the liver;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • When the parasite is located in the brain, severe headaches and dizziness are observed.


The disease develops as a result of infection of the human body with intestinal lamblia. Sometimes asymptomatic transport occurs, without obvious signs of the disease. Symptoms:

  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, belching, diarrhea and constipation;
  • specific pain in the navel area;
  • loss of appetite, flatulence;
  • temperature increase;
  • general fatigue, decreased performance;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • itchy skin.


This disease is caused by a histological amoeba. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease may be completely absent, and sometimes, on the contrary, they manifest themselves very clearly. Symptoms manifest themselves in two ways: intestinal and extraintestinal. In the extraintestinal form of amoebiasis, the lungs, brain, genitourinary system and skin are affected, but the intestinal form is the most common.

symptoms of amoebiasis

Symptoms of intestinal amoebiasis:

  • painful diarrhea, with frequent urges (up to 20 times) sometimes with blood;
  • Stomachache;
  • increase in temperature indicators;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • loss of appetite.

After a while, the symptoms of the disease can disappear on their own, for a while, and then appear with renewed vigor.


The causative agent of the disease is schistosomes of blood flukes. The disease has several stages of development:

  • at an early stage, the patient develops allergic reactions, which are manifested by skin rashes and swelling, cough with hemoptysis, which has a paroxysmal character with general malaise and pain in the joints and muscles;
  • when the disease becomes chronic, the symptoms are limited to disturbances in the act of urination (pain and pain during urination, increased frequency of urination, daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence);
  • There are especially serious cases that cause the death of the patient.

There are a large number of symptoms of parasites in the human body. Without laboratory tests, based solely on the symptoms themselves, it is impossible to diagnose the presence of parasites in the body. The severity of symptoms depends mainly on the person's defense mechanisms, the location of the parasite and its type.

To determine the presence of parasites, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests.

In addition, a major problem is created by the ability of most parasites to exist for a long time, sometimes asymptomatic, in the human body. Therefore, if there are signs of a sluggish chronic disease, it is worth examining for the presence of parasites.

Methods to diagnose parasites:

Direct methods: fecal analysis, urinalysis, scraping of the perianal area, subungual phalanges, analysis of sputum and duodenal contents. These methods have a number of disadvantages that are associated with the characteristics and development period of the parasite, as well as the state of the human body.

Ultrasound is also used to study the presence of parasites in the body.

To increase the information content of such diagnoses, it is necessary to undergo examinations several times. But this does not guarantee that you will receive reliable information. Recently, fecal analysis using the PCR method has been used, which significantly increases the effectiveness of direct methods, as it helps identify parasites by their DNA. But this is only if there are parasites in the gastrointestinal tract.

Indirect methods: radiography, morphological, ultrasound, biopsy.

Bioresonance methods: Voll method, ART.

The enzyme immunoassay method consists of determining the presence of antibodies against various types of parasites in human blood. This method is very informative and helps to identify the first forms of the disease.

When to see a doctor urgently

In the initial stages, there may be no signs of the presence of parasites in the human body. It will take years for the parasitic infestation to manifest itself. In the event of the first ailments without a cause, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor. It is important to remember that if a person is bothered by any of the symptoms described above, he or she should immediately contact a specialist (an immunologist or a parasitologist), especially if it concerns children.

The doctor will order tests, which may need to be done several times to get more reliable information. The appropriate treatment will then be selected. Helminthiasis is a rather serious and dangerous disease. It is important to remember this and not allow parasites to cause irreparable damage to the body. Therefore, the rules of personal hygiene should be observed, diet monitored and qualified help from a specialist should be promptly sought.